Getting auto insurance is difficult as it is, but if you are a ride-share or food delivery driver in the Houston, TX area, you should know that your requirements will be different from the typical motorist. As a driver that transports passengers or other people’s goods for a living, you will need to have specialized insurance policies on your car to protect you, your cargo, and your riders. AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc. can help you understand your options.
Auto Insurance for Ride-Sharing and Delivery Drivers
Ride-sharing platforms do provide drivers and their vehicles with an additional level of insurance coverage. Unfortunately, however, these policies do tend to have gaps in them that are your responsibility to address.
As a matter of fact, while Houston, TX drivers must legally maintain liability insurance protection if they decide to work as ride-sharing contractors, this personal insurance will not cover customers’ items that may get damaged in an accident or the injuries of ride-share clients. That is because their vehicles are being used for commercial purposes.
Another idea is to specifically look for insurance carriers that offer special packages and policies for ride-share and delivery drivers. Such policies are likely to offer collision and comprehensive coverage that will protect your vehicle if you were to get into an accident. Property damage and bodily injury liability will also be automatically covered under such an umbrella policy.
Traffic congestion is, of course, a huge issue in the area, so having the proper amount of insurance is critical for ride-share and delivery drivers. This is especially true for those who may speed in order to make timely deliveries of hot meals and frozen items, like ice cream and ground beef.
Have Questions? Consult With Us
If you are unsure of what type of policy you will need in order to continue your side hustles, we have you covered. Give us a call at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc., or stop by to learn more about the policies that we can offer you.