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Navigating Auto Insurance in Texas: What Do You Need to Know?

Texas is one of the biggest states in the nation, and therefore it has thousands of drivers on the road. This implies that it’s imperative to have the appropriate protection while driving. At AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc., we offer various auto insurance policies and customize them to our customers’ needs. If you are searching for auto insurance in the Lone Star State right now, here is some essential information you should know: 

What Should You Know About Auto Insurance in Texas?

  • Car insurance is mandatory in Texas. Drivers in Texas are required by law to provide proof of auto insurance for any road accidents they cause.
  • Different types of coverages. The most common coverages that you should consider include liability coverage, collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, personal injury protection, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and more. 
  • Possible discounts. For safe driving, completing defensive driving classes, bundling policies, and having specific safety equipment in your car, many insurance companies offer special discounts. You can ask your insurance agent about them when shopping for insurance. 
  • Factors affecting the cost of insurance. The cost of auto insurance in Texas can vary significantly depending on a number of variables, including your credit score, region, age, gender, driving history, and some others. 

Reach Out To Us

Are you a resident of Houston, TX? Or do you live in any nearby area? Are you currently shopping for auto insurance to protect your vehicle and yourself on the road? Contact us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc. in Houston, TX and we will help you find a perfect insurance policy based on your individual needs. 

Tips for Entrepreneurs to Reduce Risks

Setting up or managing a small business can come with a lot of rewards. Yet with rewards also come risks. Fortunately, there are steps business owners and entrepreneurs can take to reduce risks. Examples of this include taking out commercial insurance or closely managing their finances. Contact AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc in Houston, TX if you’d like to learn how you can mitigate risks with the right commercial insurance policies.

Build Up Emergency Funding

Many businesses with healthy revenues still run into trouble when they face an emergency, like when a piece of machinery breaks down. This could lead to orders going unfilled, which could decimate your revenues. Building an emergency fund will help you deal with such calamities. Commercial insurance, meanwhile, may provide coverage for damage from storms and the like.

Consider Your Staff Closely

Many businesses are only as strong as their workers. It’s important to closely consider what staff you need. When hiring, it’s smart to do background checks and otherwise vet staff to make sure that they’ll be a good fit. The right team members could empower your business and help you achieve your ambitions. Unscrupulous employees, unfortunately, could create risks.

Take Out Commercial Insurance

The right commercial insurance plans can protect businesses from many things, including burglaries and weather events like tornadoes. If a customer slips and is injured on your property, an insurance plan might help with litigation and settlements. Commercial insurance may help cover some of the costs associated with such events, thus helping you get on your feet.

Keep in mind that every insurance plan has its own terms and may not provide coverage for every event. Want to explore commercial insurance options? Get in touch with AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc, serving Houston, TX and beyond, to discuss policies.

Do I Need Home Insurance in Houston?

Home insurance is another added cost to living in the Houston, TX metroplex, but it is a requirement in most situations. Most people cannot afford to buy a home with cash in hand, so they have to go to finance companies and banks to take out a mortgage on their home. As soon as this becomes a reality, the lenders demand homeowners insurance to protect the home and property as collateral. 

Those who paid out their mortgages, or were fortunate enough to buy a home outright, have the option to purchase homeowner’s insurance without being forced into it.  

Homeowner’s Insurance is the Ultimate Protection

The damage that can occur to a home and property is endless. Geographically speaking, Houston, TX is prone to take a beating from hurricanes that rage from the Gulf of Mexico. Tornados and other violent storms can pop up at any moment and cause massive damage to the property’s roofs, structures, and loose items. 

There is a deductible that the homeowner must pay out of pocket, but the insurance company covers the significant cost. Homeowner’s insurance protects the investment made by the lender and helps keep a safe haven for a homeowner and their family. 

But Is it Necessary? 

Yes, it is necessary. The cost of damage can go into the tens of thousands of dollars, if not more, in severe disasters. Not many people have the cash on hand to cover such damage. Finding the insurance company that suits your needs in coverage, premiums, and affordable deductibles is the wisest decision.  

Let AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc. Help You

At AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc., we can tend to your homeowner’s insurance needs and answer all your questions. We are happy to assist and ask that you contact us today for more information. 

What is the benefit of having an auto insurance plan in Houston?

Houston, TX is a very large area that continues to grow each year. Because of this, those that live in this part of Texas will need to have a car to get around. When you are looking to buy a car here, you also need to carefully assess your insurance needs.

There are various benefits that come when you are properly insured with an auto plan in the Houston metroplex:

Protect Vehicle

A reason that you will want an auto insurance plan in this part of Texas is so you can protect your vehicle. If you are looking to buy a car, you will be entering into a large investment. The best way that you can cover this investment and protect it is by getting insurance. With a proper insurance plan, you will have all of the support needed to replace or repair your car. 

Offset Liability Risks

It is also a good idea to get auto coverage to offset your liability risks. There are many risks that come when driving a car. One risk is that you will make a mistake that caused an accident. When this happens, you will need to cover the damages. If you are insured, you will get liability support that will cover these costs to reduce your personal expense. 

We Can Help

If you are going to own a vehicle in the Houston, TX area, you need to make sure that you have the right insurance coverage. When you are looking for a new plan here, it would be a good idea to call the professionals from AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc. There are a lot of advantages that come with this coverage, and our team with AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc will help you select an ideal policy for your situation. 

Navigating the Complexities of Commercial Insurance

As a business owner in the Houston, TX area, you know how important it is to protect your investments. Whether you’re looking for property insurance, liability coverage, or any other type of protection for your business, having the right policy in place can help keep your finances safe and secure. But with so many different types of coverage available, navigating the complexities of commercial insurance can be daunting.

That’s why our agents at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc have put together this quick guide for you. 

Understanding the Types of Coverage in Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance covers a wide range of risks and offers a variety of options for protecting your business. 

Property insurance protects your physical assets like buildings or equipment from losses due to theft, fire, or other unexpected events.

Liability coverage provides financial protection against legal claims related to injury or damages caused by your business operations.

Vehicle policies protect vehicles used for company business with comprehensive coverage that includes accident and collision protection.

Workers’ compensation insurance pays medical costs incurred as a result of workplace accidents or injuries.

Finally, professional liability covers claims related to negligence or errors in the service you provide.

Navigating the Claims Process

If your business experiences a loss, filing a claim with your commercial insurance provider can help cover the costs of repairs and other associated expenses. But understanding how the process works can be confusing. Our team of experienced agents is available to answer all of your questions and guide you through each step of the claims process. We’ll work closely with you to ensure that your claim is handled promptly and efficiently, so you can get back to focusing on running your business.

Give Us A Call

At AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc., we understand that finding the right plan can be confusing and time-consuming. That’s why our experienced team of licensed agents is here to help guide you through the process of selecting a solid policy for your Houston, TX business needs. We’ll take the time to explain all of the types of coverage available, so you can make an informed decision. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you protect your assets.

What Are the Four Major Categories of Coverage in Homeowners Insurance?

Are you looking for comprehensive coverage for your home? The right home insurance can cover your home, belongings, and other structures. It also covers liability for injuries and property damage to visitors for covered events and accidents in your house. To learn more about homeowners insurance, keep reading and make an appointment with the helpful agents at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc in Houston, TX.

Home Insurance: 4 Major Categories 

1. Dwelling Protection

Dwelling protection covers the structure of your house, including the walls, roof, and foundation. This includes the deck, garage, and other structures attached to the home. 

2. Other Structures Protection

This insurance covers damages to your shed, fence, detached garage, and other structures not attached to the main property. It’s typically capped at a percentage of your total insurance, as determined in your policy.

3. Personal Property Protection

Someone breaks into your house and steals your computers and TV. A fireplace fire damages your new living room set. What can you do? With personal property protection, you simply call your insurance company to file a claim. Find out how to determine how much personal property protection you need when you meet with your insurance agent. Some items, such as jewelry, may exceed the value of your regular coverage, so discuss additional protection with your representative.

4. Liability Protection

When you have guests over, you aren’t thinking about accidents that result in liability. Fortunately, with personal property protection, you don’t have to. If someone trips over a crack in the driveway or falls due to a broken porch step, you could end up footing the bill. Bodily injury coverage may pay for legal expenses and medical bills if the courts find you’re at fault. Typically, it also covers property damage for guests and visitors for covered events. However, it’s important to thoroughly understand what your policy pays for. 

Reach Out To Us

Contact AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc to learn more about the homeowners’ policies available in Houston, TX.

How to prepare your car for winter weather

Winter weather can be rough on your car, but with a few simple steps, you can make sure your vehicle will last through the cold season here in the Houston, TX area. Here are some tips from us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc to help prepare your car for winter weather.

How to prepare your car for winter:

1. Clean and service the exterior of your car:

Snow and ice can be damaging to the paint, so you’ll want to make sure it’s in top condition before winter arrives. Give it a good wash and wax job, and inspect for any signs of damage from hail or other hazards. 

2. Check tire pressure and tread depth:

As temperatures drop, tires can lose air pressure quickly. Make sure to check the pressure regularly throughout winter, as well as look for signs of wear and tear that may require replacing soon. 

3. Top off fluids:

You should always keep an eye on the oil level in your car, but it’s especially important during colder months. Make sure that all fluid levels are topped up, including antifreeze, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and transmission fluid. 

4. Change wiper blades:

Visibility is key to staying safe on the roads in winter so old or damaged wipers do not give you a clear view of what lies ahead on the road surface! Replace them now before they start smearing snow and ice across the windshield instead of clearing it away. 

Give Us A Call

With these simple steps, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your car is ready for whatever winter throws at it! For more tips, or to discuss your auto insurance and find one that is right for you, call us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc today. We proudly serve the Houston, TX area.

Tips to prepare your business for a storm

With winter officially upon us here in the Houston, TX area and the potential for severe weather events looming, it’s important that all businesses take steps to ensure they are adequately prepared for a storm. Here are some tips from us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc to help you get your business ready.

Preparing Your Business For A Storm

1. Make sure all outdoor furniture and equipment are secured or stored away in a safe location. This includes patio furniture, planters, grills, and any other items that could be damaged by high winds or heavy rains. 

2. Check your roof and windows for any signs of damage or wear that might make them vulnerable in a storm. If you find anything suspicious, contact a professional right away to have it repaired before conditions worsen. 

3. Trim trees around your business premises to reduce the risk of falling branches during high winds or storms. 

4. Check that your backyard drains and gutters are clear of debris so water can flow freely during heavy rains and floods. 

5. Consider investing in an emergency generator so you can keep operations running even if there is a loss of power due to a storm. 

6. Stock up on supplies like flashlights, batteries, nonperishable food items, and bottled water in case you need to shelter in place due to bad weather conditions outside. 

Get Commercial Insurance For Your Business 

By taking these proactive steps now, you can give yourself peace of mind knowing that your business is as prepared as possible for whatever Mother Nature throws its way this winter season! Make sure to get insurance coverage to maximize protection. For more winter weather tips, call us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc today. We proudly serve the Houston, TX area.

Home Insurance And Medical Liability

Homeowner’s insurance coverage is a lifeline for anyone who owns a home. When you have homeowner’s insurance, you’re protected against your belongings and your house costing you everything in a fire or a burglary. When you think of homeowner’s insurance, you think of that.

But homeowner’s insurance also protects you from liability. If a guest in your home gets injured, you could be facing a lawsuit and significant settlements or judgments against you, especially if lost wages come into the picture. At the same time, there are certain waivers of responsibility that are important to know. AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc serving Houston, TX can help you with questions about your home insurance.

What Does Home Insurance Cover

Medically speaking, home insurance covers liability for accidents on and around your property. If you have a guest in your home who chokes and needs medical attention, if they decide to sue you after they recover, you may be able to use your liability coverage to ensure that your responsibility is covered, avoiding damage to your finances.


There are certain situations that homeowner’s insurance won’t cover in medical liability. First, homeowner’s insurance only covers liability. It’s not a substitute for health insurance – so make sure you have that covered as well. It also doesn’t cover injuries or damage resulting from drug use, another good reason to ensure that you and all your guests are drug-free. With this handful of rules and limitations, you should be covered in most cases.

Next Steps With Us

Take your next steps by protecting your home and all the people in it, whether they’re family members or guests. Call, click, or stop by AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc serving Houston, TX for a free, no-obligation quote on a new homeowner’s insurance policy today.

The Importance of Safe Driving Habits: What You Need to Know

According to the Association For Safe International Road Travel, over 45,000 traffic accident fatalities occur annually in the United States. We at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc know this number could be much lower if more people drove safely. While many people around Houston, TX take driving for granted, it is a skill that needs to be continuously practiced to avoid accidents.

Below are some essential factors you need to know:

The Dangers Of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a significant issue on today’s roads. Anything that takes your attention away from driving can be a distraction and increase the chance of a motor vehicle crash.

According to 2020 NHTSA statistics, a significant percentage of accidents occur when drivers are distracted. This is why it is so important to avoid all distractions while driving. If you need to complete a task, pull over and stop moving. Store or silence your cell phone, and ask passengers for help if necessary. By being aware of the dangers of distracted driving and avoiding it, you can help make the roads safer for everyone.

The Importance Of Wearing A Seatbelt

Seat belts are one of the most critical safety features in a vehicle. Wearing a seat belt can significantly reduce the risk of death or severe injury in a car crash. Seat belts keep occupants securely in their seats during a collision, preventing them from being ejected from the vehicle. Airbags are also crucial for occupant safety, but they cannot work alone. Seat belts and airbags work together to provide the best possible protection in a crash.

The Risks Of Speeding

The risks of speeding are well-documented and can have serious consequences. Speeding increases the chance and severity of accidents and can lead to costly speeding tickets and increased insurance rates. In addition, speeding can cause wear and tear on your vehicle and increase fuel costs.

Get Auto Insurance Today

AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc in Houston, TX offers auto insurance. We have a wide range of options, and our experienced staff is always on hand to help you find the right policy for your needs. Contact us today to get started.

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