Purchasing a vehicle is an investment that many people look forward to. It can be exciting to test drive multiple cars before deciding on the perfect choice. However, if you’re purchasing a Ferrari, the event is taken to the next level, as this is a truly rewarding and once-in-a-lifetime event. A Ferrari is a dream vehicle for most people, and if you’re lucky enough to purchase one, you definitely want to ensure it’s adequately insured. You might wonder if you need special auto insurance for your new sports car. Here is a brief overview that explains the insurance requirements for such a high-caliber vehicle:
Ferraris are in a Different Class
If you want to ensure the best coverage for your Ferrari, you need to look into specialty insurance. Most people don’t drive their Ferraris daily and are typically only driven for special occasions. Therefore, these high-end vehicles are often considered collectors, so special coverage is required.
Most Conventional Auto Insurers Won’t Cover High-End Vehicles & Vice Versa
Your typical insurance agency won’t offer coverage for a vehicle like a Ferrari, and specialty insurers usually don’t cover traditional vehicles. So, before you drive your new exotic car off the lot, finding a specialty insurer in advance is a good idea. The insurer will explain their coverage, costs, and more, so you will know exactly what to expect.
Whether you need insurance to cover your primary vehicle that you drive daily or your brand-new Ferrari, and you’re a Houston, TX resident, you should contact us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc. Not only do we provide coverage for vehicles in the Houston, TX area, but we also provide the best customer service, the most knowledgeable agents, and top-quality coverage. Contact us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc today for a quote.