There are specific laws about how much auto insurance drivers have to carry on their vehicles in Texas. There are several required types of coverage, and these come with mandatory minimums of coverage. If you need auto insurance, call us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc in Houston, TX to find out more.
Required Coverage
There is a mandatory minimum amount stated for injury liability in Texas, with a specific minimum for each person who is injured in an accident and another number for all of the people injured in an accident. This pays for the medical bills of those injured. There is another type of coverage required for liability, and that is for property damage. This pays for damage done to another vehicle in an accident that you are found to be at fault for.
Uninsured Drivers
While many states require you to have coverage in an accident with an uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist, Texas does not require it. It is, however, a good idea to get this kind of coverage. This protects you in case of another driver, without insurance, causing an accident with you. This kind of coverage is often recommended because there is little to no recourse available if someone uninsured were to cause an accident without it.
Collision Coverage
Another type that is highly recommended is collision coverage. This pays for your vehicle if it is damaged in an accident that was caused by you. The property damage coverage is for others’ vehicles- not yours. Only collision coverage pays for yours.
Get Your Texas Auto Insurance
Don’t go without the required amount of auto insurance. Call us at AAIGOT Insurance Agency Inc. in Houston, TX to talk to an agent about auto coverage and learn how to get a quote.